Liquid Wisdom Podcast

Ep 21- Mental Health with Queen Mads!- Part II

Professor Liquid Season 1 Episode 21

Hello, welcome back! I hope this finds you in high spirits. Here it is, part II of the mental health series! As you know, mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

In this exciting episode, we have Queen Mads, an empath and advocate of mental health and self-love. Through her love of gaming and career, she takes me on a journey of what mental health means to her as well as the ways she copes. We even talk about vampires! Lol, you will have to listen to the episode to find out the context of that one.  Enjoy the episode because there are lots of gems here that hopefully enrich your life. 

 I hope you all continue to look toward the horizon. I will do the same. Be well!

Want to keep up with Mads? Follow her on her social media links below!



Mental Health America: – This site can help you find support groups, inpatient care, therapists, and local services. 

Talkspace – you can take an assessment online or find a therapist that fits your need for help. or (800) 580-1500 by phone – they can assist you with finding the right hotline, helpline, text chat, or web chat that suits you 


Special thanks to Kupla for the lovely music track 'Search for Tomorrow.'


I have included some links to my social media accounts in case you would like to stay in touch between conversations.



